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Posts about NFL

Ultimate Sports Trivia

Wednesday, November 24th, 2010

So after telling this tale to Dave prior to the last UFC PPV and confirming just how amazing this set of accomplishments was, it was requested that I type it up for the benefit of those who have less time to waste online looking up football quotations…

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John Fogerty Live at Halftime Twice

Thursday, November 23rd, 2006

Today is American Thanksgiving, all the Americans and likely the Canadians in the audience know this. So in addition to eating Turkey and spending time with one’s family, Americans watch football, NFL football…

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Go Bus!

Sunday, January 22nd, 2006

Although I am still on a blogging hiatus, I have a lot to say. I meant to say it earlier but I’ve been cheering for the Steelers this year and I guess the Seahawks seeing as they are the Pacific Northwest’s team. Any true Browns fan would root for the Steelers over the Broncos in an AFC Championship game…

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