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Posts about Tsinghua

The Power of 关系

Tuesday, December 27th, 2005

So I just got off the phone with the TA from my Theory of Investment class. I still don’t know my grade but it is conceivable that it will be my worst one, ie less than 84%. In fact if I was a gambling man I’d take that bet. One of the Chinese people I went out of my way to help was her husband. He had a really important interview with the British Embassy concerning a job and a scholarship to study abroad in England. The final interview was in English and I conducted some mock interviews and gave him some other tips…

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Tsinghua Blogs

Saturday, December 17th, 2005

As a service to the blogosphere and also so I can possibly meet fellow bloggers, I’m going to compile a list of Tsinghua bloggers…

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Once again, I was the only white person there

Tuesday, December 6th, 2005

Tonight I went to some sort of festival at the Tsinghua auditorium. Originally I thought it was a school wide festival, but in hindsight that seems blatantly wrong, I now believe it was a School of Economics and Management wide festival. It might have even been only the senior class but I’m not sure. It never was explained to me too well. Of course it was all in Chinese, so the fact that I got anything at all out of it was testament to my powers of empathy…

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Why does everything have to be so hard for me?

Wednesday, November 30th, 2005

Hopefully the email quoted below clears up this unexpected mess. Though there is still the possibility I may be too late and the grades may have been submitted…

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Never ending headaches

Wednesday, November 30th, 2005

So I got an email from the TA of the Managing Global Innovation class today saying I did not submit a paper and they may have to give me zero. This would be laughably funny if it wasn’t so serious. I told Gary Lau my life only gets worse…

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