Muschamp Rd

Posts about Vancouver

Back to looking for work

Saturday, June 30th, 2007

The job I took apparently did not work out. It wasn’t a complete surprise, the job was extremely difficult and had a high turnover rate prior to my accepting a three month contract. I wish they’d told me a few hours earlier, before I spent $1300 on a bed…

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Web Directions North Post Mortem

Saturday, February 10th, 2007

One of my many flaws, that some people find endearing, and others perhaps not so much, is my tendency to ramble often on long tangents. Rather than write one long post I decided to write three posts about the recently completed Web Directions North…

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Relections on Web Directions North Day Two

Saturday, February 10th, 2007

Before the conference room even opened for day two I gained a small audience while heaping praise and coolness upon my former classmate Jeremy’s and friends fashion company Undrcrwn. Though I wasn’t wearing the shoes they made at the time, I’m saving them for a special occasion when things are better. The fact I was wearing my Fluevogs and a guy recognized I was wearing Fluevogs increased my shoe and fashion credibility…

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