Muschamp Rd

Posts about Vancouver

Astronomi-con Vancouver 2008

Thursday, July 17th, 2008

I played at Astronomi-con Vancouver last weekend. It was pretty fun though extremely tiring. More power to Mike and Christian for running it. Supposedly there might be even more Astros in the future…

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Will Wright: KrazyTalk!

Thursday, June 5th, 2008

I got to the Great Northern Way Campus not too early, but not too late. There were several wireless networks but they all seemed to need passwords so I typed this out in Word. There was quite a large crowd with two rows of reserved seating. I recognized Malcolm of Radical Entertainment…

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Hay Bales to Blogs

Wednesday, May 28th, 2008

This morning I attended the UDI Vancouver event about the public consultation and approval process which they decided to title: “Engaging People Hay Bales to Blogs”…

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Moving to Vancouver and Finding a Job

Thursday, May 1st, 2008

I always help people even people I don’t know, it is a weakness that people have taken advantage of. Since I wrote this email/post a lot of websites and resources have appeared online to help people thinking of making a similar move…

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West Coast Mayhem

Monday, July 30th, 2007

For better or for worse, I’m going to West Coast Mayhem, or at least I’ve paid for a ticket to West Coast Mayhem. I’m sure there are some people on some internet forum who would prefer I wasn’t going to West Coast Mayhem. But I don’t have a very high opinion of 40K internet forums…

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