Musk is Everywhere
November 1st, 2005
I just got invited to attend Multimedia Entertainment China 2005 by Heather back at New Media BC. Who I don’t think remembers I went to China, but I don’t have to pay for airfare so as long as there is no conflicts, I’m there. Good thing I ordered more Tsinghua MBA business cards because my card always seems in high demand. It has a high novelty factor I think for Chinese people, especially my classmates and people I meet randomly.
Then I found out it is 900 US Dollars for a conference pass. They have no student discount at all. I’ve written both the organizers and New Media BC, but what I should really do is try to convince them to give media credentials for Muskblog. Hell I’ll write for someone else if they don’t want to fly to Beijing I’m already here. I am a published writer, though I didn’t know it until others told me. I’m not sure if the Citadel Journal is even in publication anymore. I do know I didn’t even get my promised free copy, so the next time a major corporation wants to reprint something from my webpages they are going to have to do a lot better.
This entry was originaly posted on , it was last edited on and is filed under: Rambles and tagged: China, Conference, New Media BC.
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