One Day until the Vancouver Olympics
February 11th, 2010
During the Vancouver 2010 Olympics, I attempted to make timely blog postings, but they just were not very focussed. Too much was happening to try and capture it all, it is a unique period in the history of this blog. Lots of news and photos appeared online, including a few from the True North Media House Flickr pool as that is how we roll in Vancity. Dave wanted some photo of mine added, so now I can run wild, giving full credit to the proper photographer of course.
The first story is a lengthy, though a bit paranoid piece, from America’s best political newsletter, or so it is claimed. Unlike the LA Times story it seems to be better researched being the work of Jules Boykoff. Their webpage renders way too skinny in Opera, all their ads for books are wider than the column of text which is strange.
Some of the local media must be getting tired of the sensationalism as they took some shots at BC merchant’s of misery in a guest editorial in the Province. And here I thought everyone called them poverty pimps.
Yesterday I did a bonus post on all the free live music being presented during the Olympics. Of course there is plenty of not free live music. The show I have tickets for features Ron Sexsmith among others, performing the songs of Neil Young. Here is Ron’s thoughts on Neil’s music and other songwriting giants.
There are a few out of the ordinary stories making the papers, including one about a Bobcat being spotted on the official ski runs at Whistler. Yes we have wildlife still in BC and it is not all on Granville Street. Another form of wildlife, the political protester has gotten off to an early start trapping our beloved PM, Stephan Harper in the Chinese Cultural Centre, as they disagree with him about legalized injection sites. It is more juicy than that, so head over to and read the sordid details. has weighed in with some useful advice for tourists heading to Vancouver to take in the games. However despite 100+ posts on Vancouver and a steady stream of Olympic related posts, I’m not one of the blogs to watch. I don’t think the author is looking for trouble, I type as a convoy of cops goes down Cordova Street at Main.
The first photo is by John Biehler who I think I’ve met, it is available under Creative Commons. Thanks John!

Here is an older picture of BC’s blue skies, trees, etc. for those in withdrawal already.
This entry was originaly posted on , it was last edited on and is filed under: Rambles and tagged: British Columbia, Vancouver, Vancouver 2010.