Wii be Gaming
April 3rd, 2010
One thing my sudden unemployment will give me time to do is game. No not gamble, I know the value of a dollar and the odds in gambling much too well, I’m talking about playing games for fun. I just bought a new game for my Wii that I’ve been looking and waiting for, for half a year, maybe forever, Tatsunoko VS Capcom, which allows me to play obscure Japanese Anime characters fighting video game characters most famously a pair from Street Fighter 2. The game is crazy, but too easy using the Wii remote + Namchuku, so now I have the fight stick and it is more challenging and more like the years I spent battling in arcades across the world.
I also have time for miniature painting and today made a trip to Richmond and Imperial Hobbies to get some new darker reds. I also got some mediums made by Vallejo to use with pigments, of which I now have several, but I’m lacking in skill with them. I plan to buy Forgeworld’s first painting book when I get the money and place an order to the UK. In the mean time I have tonnes of paint, too many unpainted models, and a whole battlefield worth of terrain to build.
Blogging about Hobbies is Healthy
Supposedly blogging about your hobbies is good, it shows I’m a well rounded person, that I have depth. Eventually I started a dedicated miniature painting blog, but my hobbies and blogging were neglected for years as I pursued the CFA® Charter. Now in 2022 I hope to make more time for the hobby of miniature painting.
I bought three Reaper Master Series paints, they were one short of the dark red triad, but I have lots of bright reds made by GW, it was dark reds I was lacking. I also picked up a terracotta, as that makes an excellent base for a nice deep dark red, brown can work too. I also picked up the new White Dwarf which shows the GW way of painting red, for the new Blood Angels release. This is the first codex and ruleset where I’ve seriously thought about starting a new army. Not now of course, I have to finish my chaos space marines, or at least another 20 or 30 of them. I then plan to work on rebel guard and of course orks, mostly models I own, but maybe in a year or two I’ll do up 1500 points of jump pack and lightning striking Blood Angels, though I’ll do some other paint scheme, I’m thinking pale, pale, pale blue, the Blue Angels.
Painting Test Models
But first I have to save my test bezerker from becoming too orange and shiny, plus finish off my test WWI Canadian colours IG guardsmen, which will get some mud for sure now. I also plan on testing colors on Nurglings, maybe even on a Plaguebearer, that’s what I use them for now that I got so many painted, heck I can’t even use Nurglings with my Diseased Sons anymore. Then the talk ends and the carving pink Styrofoam begins as I make my trench table tiles.
Miniature Painting in 2022
It is now several years later and 2021 is coming to an end. I’m at my mom’s and my paints and miniatures are back in Calgary so I’ve gotten it in my head to go through old posts about painting miniatures and linking them to newer posts about painting miniatures.
I stopped posting about painting miniatures on this blog, because I started another blog devoted to painting miniatures. So in 2022 my posts about the miniatures I paint and the games I play will be over there. However, you’re still welcome to leave a comment below.
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I played this till pretty late last night. I keep losing to people I shouldn't online. I've figured out that most people are using the simple controls and just 'spam' certain moves and combos over and over, the algorithm must choose them. So you need to have a quicker guy than your opponent and use jabs and other techniques to interrupt them. I also think using obscure guys, I know I hate fighting “Zero” as I haven't unlocked him.
I still lose too much and can't do the hypers quickly or when I really need to, so I brought in Ippatsuman who's hyper confused the first person I pulled it off of. I've been working on Joe the Condor too. Tekkaman works great against the computer, but I never get his hyper to work against real people and using Polimar as much as I do, I need a simple hyper, as Polimar can rack up the levels using various punches and kicks.
Batsu is another fighter I've given a long audition to, to partner with Polimar. Viewtiful Joe is annoying, but again, you have to be really close to pull off his hyper and his big gun, is slow. Ippatsuman is really versatile, something like the Tatsunoko Ryu fighter. Needless to say I like him better than Ryu and he is a lot less common.
Hopefully I finally got my timing down, I don't know if it is the slight lag, or what, but I'm just a little off when I play online…
I've been playing this game a lot. Found a new character I kick a lot of ass with, Yatterman-1. I'd never used him, didn't think he was my style, he is a bit chaotic, but his giant robot dog special is damaging and easy to pull off. First time I blade arcade mode with him, I set a new high score. Tekkaman was his partner of course. That unlocked Tekkaman Blade so I tried him with Yatterman-1 and voila new high score again. I then used those two with Jun and Ken. I've learned that to finish arcade mode you need the final blow on the final red bad guy to be with a particular character, just teaming up with Tekkaman isn't enough.
Now I have Joe the Condor who I like better than Ken or Jun. I still like Polimar but the two Tekkamen are better at big guys, Veiwtiful Joe is great against big guys, and he's so small some moves miss him. Ippatsuman and Ryu are just not out there enough but I think I finished the game with them. Haven't with Caras or Keras or whatever. I still haven't used the giants. I think I'm getting decent enough to try playing online.
However I need to paint and of course find a job…
Well I've put over 9 hours into Tatsunoko VS Capcom. Tekkaman still gets my vote for best character, I haven't played with them all, but I just unlocked Frank West, so of course I put together the allstar team of him and Tekkaman and set my new highest score for Arcade mode. I don't know what to do to maximize score, sometimes while trying to pull off crazy moves I get beat up. Frank is really good, he has a tonne of moves. To deal out the most damage in the shortest amount of time Hurricane Polimar might be the best, thought Ippatsuman is pretty versatile. I may try to go for speed and see who my best pair is against the computer. I've yet to try online.
Roll is the worst, but I finished Arcade mode with her, thanks to Tekkanman who can just about beat arcade mode himself, sometimes he needs a breather but he does most of the damage. I've beaten it without him, Morrigan has the best ending. Here is more info on the playable characters. I poked around the internet to see who the experts say is the best. I don't always agree with the experts, different styles and all that…
I think they are missing some unlockable characters, gotta try and get more characters and costumes, but also go for speed and efficiency, but first to bed.