Muschamp Rd


Klout and Personal Branding Online

Monday, November 14th, 2016

During my never ending job search I sometimes get questions or comments about something on my website, sometimes the comments are positive, sometimes less so. In fact I think people who don’t value honesty and integrity probably never interview me at all. That said a lot of effort has gone into this website over the last ten or fifteen years. The ROI has not been enough…

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My Popular WordPress Tags

Tuesday, December 29th, 2015

I’ve spent entirely too much time the last two days working on this blog. First I decided to look into adding back the tag cloud to Muskblog as it is featured prominently on my CFA® Flashcard blog and I always thought when done well they look cool, the key of course is to carefully tag all your posts…

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Tagging WordPress Posts

Monday, December 28th, 2015

Yesterday I got the bright idea to write a post about tag clouds, personally I think tag clouds are interesting and I was a bit sad I followed expert advice to de-emphasize mine on my blog. Researching and writing this blog post took ample time, but after completion I looked at both the tags I use frequently and all the tags I’ve used exactly once…

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Thoughts on Tag Clouds

Monday, December 28th, 2015

I’m not your average blogger. I’ve been at it a long time. I tend to experiment and try different techniques both recommend and not recommended…

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The 10 Most Important CFA® Formulas

Wednesday, November 18th, 2015

Although I’ve spent entirely too long studying for the CFA exam, I can not say it has paid off, yet. However, I have also spent too much time creating studying materials and giving them away online. This resulted in me starting a blog just for flashcards of CFA formulas, definitions, and minutiae…

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Posts on Muskblog © Andrew "Muskie" McKay.
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