January 1st, 2016
Once I maintained the most popular Nurgle webpage on the Internet. I spent considerable time and effort updating it and fending off challenges from the Wikipedia, pornographers, and online haters. Looking over my year end analytics it was saddening to see no Nurgle anywhere near the Top 10. It is true I have little time for the hobby of miniature painting or Warhammer 40,000 and my models are far away and in storage but there is a lot of existing content I can highlight.
If you are asking yourself, what is Nurgle? I thought of creating a webpage answering that question long ago.
More Nurgle Blog Posts

One reason for the lack of new Nurgle content on Muskblog is I started up a dedicated miniature painting blog on
- Top 5 Plaguemarines of All Time
- Finished Painting 3 Nurgle Models
- Re-based Beasts of Nurgle
- 3 Finished Plaguebearers
- Painted Servant of Decay Test Figure
Painting Advice
Want more miniature painting advice? Have I got the collection of links for you, including:
But wait you want more pictures of painted miniatures, collected and curated and easily shareable over social media. Well have you heard of Pinterest, I maintain a very popular collection of cool painted miniatures on that website.
For my own personal collection of painted miniatures I prefer Flickr. I really should take some newer better photos of some of my old models. I of course can easily share my photos on Flickr to this blog, but before I do, here is all the battle reports I’ve typed up involving this army.
In 2021 after a seven year hiatus I finally played Warhammer 40,000 again. I of course wrote a battle report, I don’t want to spoil it for you, but the good guys won.
Also as the year came to a close I decided to update and clean up all the posts about painting miniatures on this blog, including converting many of the images to use the new custom Flickr embed code. So below are several of Nurgle miniatures I’ve painted over the years.

I started posting work in progress photos on Instagram as that is popular with the kids. I also noted when I edited this post in 2021 that it was lacking in Nurglings so here are some Nurglings I painted partially with Citadel Contrast to test them out. I definitely prefer the Flickr embed over the Instagram one.
If you have any thoughts on Nurgle or Warhammer 40,000 you can leave them below. I’ve finally gotten back into the hobby around Covid restrictions so I may have new models to show off in 2022. I also decided 2022 represented twenty years of blogging about the hobby so I did another even bigger retrospective if you enjoyed this one.
This entry was originaly posted on , it was last edited on and is filed under: DIY, Hobbies, & Interests and tagged: Chaos Space Marines, Miniature Painting, Nurgle.