June 4th, 2017
And after approximately six hours of actual exam test writing, numerous hours of stress, one emergency surgery and having followed a nine month study plan, I fear I may have done better last year…
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May 31st, 2017
In addition to maintaining the mighty Muskblog I also typed up all my personal CFA® flashcards on yet another WordPress blog. This gives me extra insight into what formulas, theories, and definitions CFA Candidates are frantically Googling…
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April 17th, 2017
Ever since I moved to Shanghai I’ve been anticipating playing tour guide at this place, it’s been open a while, but despite numerous threats, no one has visited me, who I had to take here. Then I was randomly selected to go with folks from work. It was far from well organized, but I stood in line for hours and took a few pictures. I’ll probably be back…
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February 8th, 2017
After two years in China I finally took a ‘contract break’ to visit my family in Canada, at first the weather was great, I had jet lag and took many sunrise photos in Deep Bay British Columbia, then just before a big family gathering #snowmageddon2017 hit Vancouver Island…
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November 23rd, 2016
My ongoing job search lately has lead me to do a lot of Googling and a lot of lying in bed unable to sleep, which sometimes leads to me getting up and sitting in front of my computer more. There are a lot of self proclaimed experts online, some of them actually know what they are talking about, some of them just talk a lot. Separating the wheat from the chaff is still a billion dollar problem online, as someone who continues to spend too much time online, here is how I manage my personal social media firehose…
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