Muschamp Rd

Python for Financial Analysis

June 4th, 2019 Udemy logo

During my lengthy job search after passing the third and final CFA® exam I began learning Python…

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Tableau Your Data: A Book Review

April 22nd, 2019 Tableau

As part of my ongoing job search I have seen a lot of job postings listing Tableau as a requirement or a nice to have. And in a recently purchased Humble Bundle of ebooks was “Tableau Your Data!” 2nd edition so I’ve finally taken the plunge to increase my data visualization skills…

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Top 10 China Posts

January 26th, 2019

I’ve lived in China for over four years and during all that time I’ve maintained this blog. These are the ten best posts I’ve written…

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New Year, New WordPress

January 10th, 2019 WordPress Upgrade Success

It has been over two years since I did a major upgrade to this WordPress blog. I managed to keep it online through a lot of trials and tribulations…

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Exit 2018 Enter 2019

December 31st, 2018 Top Artists

I really had high hopes for the future back in June. I thought I had a good chance of passing the Level 3 CFA® Exam. I thought I’d finally get a new job. I thought I’d get to travel and enjoy life…

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Posts on Muskblog © Andrew "Muskie" McKay.
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