Muschamp Rd

In the time of the Coronavirus

April 10th, 2020 Double Johnny Cash

During the pandemic, some people have become Internet famous, if not world famous documenting their experiences in Wuhan or New York on social media, I’ve just been working away from home in Calgary…

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New MacBook, Epic Restore

February 11th, 2020 New MacBook Air

After many many years I finally bought a new Apple laptop. I opted for the cheapest one which I then had to upgrade to have a 500 Gb hard drive so I had space for all my apps, files…

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Exit 2019, Enter 2020

December 31st, 2019 2019 Last FM Analytics

As another year comes to a close, I don’t have a lot of enthusiasm for blogging, but tradition dictates that you reflect on the previous year…

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iTunes: An unknown error occurred (-9836)

November 3rd, 2019 SMACX on Mac OS X

After finally getting the World’s First Personal Supercomputer out of storage and spending more time and money on an almost 20 year old computer Apple changed iTunes Match and now my G4 no longer gets updates to my custom playlists…

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Python for Financial Analysis

June 4th, 2019 Udemy logo

During my lengthy job search after passing the third and final CFA® exam I began learning Python…

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