Muschamp Rd

Posts about Photos


Wednesday, August 29th, 2012

My genealogical research continues, with my grandmother taking an interest and offering to fund it, so I broke down and joined I had already consumed most of the documents in my immediate families possession, read books, searched the Internet, asked questions, and put everything I knew into Reunion 9…

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My Top 10 Photos from Cambodia

Wednesday, December 15th, 2010

Well since online Internet experts are never wrong, I give you the top 10 photos I took while I was in Cambodia and have since uploaded to Flickr. Longtime loyal readers may have seen some of these, even more longtime loyal readers may remember a time when there was no Flickr and there was no WordPress. These photos are from that time, taken by me, before my MBA, with my old Nikon CoolPix 2500 camera…

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My Top 12 China Photos

Thursday, December 9th, 2010

So I’ve been directing people to some of the photos I posted to this blog back in 2005, most taken while I lived in China. I actually put the best of my China photos in a set on Flickr, after I started to embrace Flickr as a repository of photos online…

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The Olympics are over, turn off the flame.

Monday, March 1st, 2010

Today I’m off work and recovering. I shouldn’t have let Mathieson talk me into going downtown, right downtown after the Olympic Gold Medal Hockey Final…

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8 Days until Vancouver Olympics

Thursday, February 4th, 2010

I’m at Smart Mouth again with my promised update. I promised some people I’d take photos and I’ve taken a few with my iPhone, but there are many better photographers, with better cameras, and more time taking pictures in Vancouver. A lot of those photos end up on Flickr…

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