Muschamp Rd

Posts about Social Media

Images in WordPress posts

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

My blog is old. It has been online since 2005. has been online since 2002 and some of the HTML dates back to 1995 or close to it. I kept the old HTML online just for laughs. Before I went to Japan I adopted the still in-use pure CSS tab layout. I’ve tweaked it over the years, it used to validate but with all the PHP I’ve been adding and all the information I pull from other sources, I’m not sure what still validates…

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Who is Fussbett Sanitario?

Sunday, May 6th, 2012

And why do he and his buddies over at find this acceptable online behaviour? Until this week I’d never bothered to read or really look into who was running the website and why the hell they think they are so damn clever and superior to the rest of us lesser Internet users. Fussbett Sanitario seems particularly proud of his long association with and is overly enamored with with the sound of his fingers hitting the keyboard. He’s also very attached to his online Internet handle and continually uses it or variants. He and his buddies also play online video games and chat using AOL Instant Messenger of all things. Using my renewed annoyance at Mr. Sanitario and his pals over at Caltrops, last night I did some investigating…

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Image Copyright

Friday, March 30th, 2012

First of all, I’m not a lawyer. I did study copyright law as part of my MBA, I even studied copyright law in China. Generally when people talk copyright laws online they are talking American copyright laws. There are some international intellectual property law treaties, but a few American corporations have had a large influence on copyright laws…

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Curation & Aggregation

Thursday, March 29th, 2012

Curation is the next big thing on the Internet with Pinterest being the latest media darling. Unfortunately for the talking heads in mainstream media, curation has been a feature of the world wide web since the beginning. A home page, something I’ve maintained online since 1995, is by very definition a curated collection of personal interests. What is news however, is how far technology has advanced, removing barriers that prevented people from easily achieving the curated collection of personal interests that they always wanted to display but didn’t have the time, energy, or desire to learn how to actually build…

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Focus & Repetition

Friday, January 27th, 2012

A day doesn’t go by when someone doesn’t tweet another posting on how to blog better, or how important it is to blog, or the power of social networks in building a brand, or… You get the picture.

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