Muschamp Rd


What is important when self publishing online?

Friday, January 27th, 2012

I’ve been self publishing content online since 1995, maintaining this domain since 2001, and even blogging since 2005. I’ve seen a lot of stuff come and go…

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Writing for GoogleJuice VS Klout

Saturday, January 21st, 2012

Much digital ink gets spilled writing about Google’s ever changing search engine algorithm, but lately some folks have been starting to consider how they can increase something other than their GoogleJuice. Klout fancy themselves “The Standard of Influence”. Just like Google they have an algorithm that measures, ranks, and assigns a numerical score. Unlike PageRank which measures a webpage’s importance, Klout’s score measures a person’s influence online…

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My Top 10 SEO Tips

Thursday, April 28th, 2011

After I write a long rambling post, I generally go to bed and think, no one is going to read all that crap. So I write another companion piece which is in a style more agreeable to the attention span of the average Internet user. So here are 10 short, simple, and maybe even useful search engine optimization tips…

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10 Keys to Blogging Fame and Fortune

Thursday, April 14th, 2011

Tonight I went to my first ever Vancouver Blogger meetup and of course I decided to blog about it. As my post started to grow beyond a few paragraphs and snide comments I realized I was going to have to bring my A game if I wanted to increase my fame in Vancouver’s blogosphere and join the ranks of the Digerati…

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For Love or Money

Thursday, April 14th, 2011

Love and money is why bloggers blog, or at least to get free stuff.  That seems to be one of the key takeaways from my first ever visit to the Vancouver Blogger Meetup. Our official host was Raul AKA Hummingbird604, but the person who was presenting or leading the session was Jonathan Narvey…

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