Muschamp Rd


Time to Upgrade WordPress

Tuesday, November 1st, 2016

Although not what I wanted to be doing, it seems once again some script kiddy wannabe hackers have sucked up all my bandwidth. This time they are not just hotlinkers, this time they seem to be targeting a particular file and standard used by WordPress and other software…

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My Top Blog Landing Pages of 2015

Friday, January 1st, 2016

I never intended to spend so much time blogging at the end of 2015, but since I did spend so many hours, I should at least do a token post about what is actually getting read on this blog versus what was an exercise in typing. Avinash Kaushik is a smart guy but man is his name hard to spell…

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I need a new News App

Friday, October 30th, 2015

So I live in China behind the Great Firewall which makes it difficult to get the latest news. I of course have a VPN but it doesn’t always work, but when it does I use Pulse as my main news source. I used to use Twitter more and I even used to use Summify before Twitter acquired them, but after it’s demise I became a Pulse user and then it too was acquired. I can’t get confirmation beyond the screenshot I took, but it appears the standalone Pulse app may be retired permanently…

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Pinteresting Analytics

Tuesday, October 27th, 2015

I’ve been using Pinterest for quite a while, not as long as my sister or my cousins, but quite a long time. I’m not your typical Pinterest user, I’m not female, I’m not American, I’m not even trying to sell anything. However I have a website and Pinterest considers me a business…

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10 Year Blogiversary

Monday, September 7th, 2015

Muskblog has been online since 2005, the exact date it first went live is lost in the mists of time but the oldest post dates to September 18th 2005. September 2015 also marks the 20th anniversary of me putting a homepage online…

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