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Posts about Personal Branding

Personal Content Marketing Strategy

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2016

My ongoing job search lately has lead me to do a lot of Googling and a lot of lying in bed unable to sleep, which sometimes leads to me getting up and sitting in front of my computer more. There are a lot of self proclaimed experts online, some of them actually know what they are talking about, some of them just talk a lot. Separating the wheat from the chaff is still a billion dollar problem online, as someone who continues to spend too much time online, here is how I manage my personal social media firehose…

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Klout and Personal Branding Online

Monday, November 14th, 2016

During my never ending job search I sometimes get questions or comments about something on my website, sometimes the comments are positive, sometimes less so. In fact I think people who don’t value honesty and integrity probably never interview me at all. That said a lot of effort has gone into this website over the last ten or fifteen years. The ROI has not been enough…

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WordPress Plugin Woes

Saturday, November 12th, 2016

Although I and indeed the whole world have much bigger problems, I’ve continued to tweak and try to improve my WordPress install and theme. I am waiting for replies or updates for several plugins or support threads as detailed in my previous post. What I should probably be doing is studying but my heart isn’t in it and what I’m really waiting for is the company I interviewed with last to get back to me…

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Improving your Online Reputation

Sunday, August 18th, 2013

Maintaining a blog is a lot of work, but it can help improve your online reputation. You can attempt to sculpt the search results for your name or keywords that matter but I have never been able to blog my way to a better career…

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Your Personal Brand Online

Sunday, August 20th, 2006

You can’t control what other people say or think about you, so online there is always potential for less than flattering information turning up in a Google search conducted by your future boss. Rather than worrying about what you can’t control you can be more proactive by publishing online yourself…

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