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Posts about Study Materials

Level 3 CFA® Resources

Wednesday, July 4th, 2018

I’ve been studying for the Level 3 CFA® Exam since October 1st and I honestly wish I’d started even sooner. I read all the official books and did all the end of chapter problems. I made and reviewed many flashcards and during all this I did web searches and visited forums to double-check I was at least partially understanding the material. I collected the best resources below…

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How I passed the Level 2 CFA® Exam

Wednesday, July 26th, 2017

First of all for those who surfed on in looking for a Jedi Mind Trick to easily pass the CFA® Level 2 exam, this is not the blog post you’re looking for…

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30 Level 1 CFA® questions to practice

Saturday, November 24th, 2012

Every time there is another CFA® Level 1 exam more random web surfers download the study materials I made available for free…

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Links to CFA® Level 1 Study Materials

Monday, April 30th, 2012

The CFA exams are approaching and that means more traffic for some old blog posts I wrote containing online resources for the Level 1 exam. It also means some folks are likely in for a rude awakening when they sit their first practice exam or on the actual exam day…

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