Turbonegro is coming to Van City
July 29th, 2007
So I was having a slab of za at the Flying Wedge and looking through the Georgia Straight like I used to do back when things were better, who should I read in small print was coming to Vancouver, none other than Norway’s own Turbonegro.
I’ve never seen this band live but I made them infamous among certain groups of people and frequently put tracks from Apocalypse Dudes on mix CDs I made. I was even talking to Emma at the Gung Haggis Fat Choy Dragon Boat team practice about them.

Needless to say I folded up my paper, left the pizzeria, went home checked Ticket Bastard and bought a ticket. I also bought tickets to the Supersuckers and Luke Doucet. I wonder if I got charged extra fees because I had to do three separate orders through their website? I used to go in person to the head office on Hornby and there is still an outlet in Cathedral Place, but I decided no mucking around, pay your fees and hope it doesn’t get canceled like KRS One.
Needless to say I’m not inviting anyone from my MBA class to any of these shows. But I do wonder if anyone from Turbojugend Pacific Rim will be in attendance.
Show Dates
- Luke Doucet: Friday August 24th at the Media Club
- The Supersuckers with the Black Halos: Tuesday September 25th at the Plaza Night Club
- Turbonegro: Thursday October 11th at the Commodore Ballroom
It is many years later now none of these shows got cancelled but I never used to edit old blog posts to improve them, now I do. I’m attempting to improve the Quality and Utility of this blog. So here is another Luke Doucet related post even a Supersuckers post but I never wrote much more about Turbonegro. My related post plugin actually works pretty well after all the efforts I put into my taxonomy.
If you have amazing taste in music too you can leave a comment below.
This entry was originaly posted on , it was last edited on and is filed under: Rambles and tagged: Luke Doucet, The Supersuckers, Turbonegro.
Two down, one to go…
The Supersuckers were good as always, the opening band, Burn Hollywood Burn needs to work on their sound some more. I prefer people who sing rather than scream.
The Black Halos were better they had some of that dueling lead guitar thing going on, with four guitarists on stage at once.
The Supersuckers new drummer impressed. He adds even more showmanship to the band. The Supersuckers are a fun band to see, they haven’t forgotten that they are entertainers in addition to artists. The Supersuckers are futher down the entertainer scale than most bands. I enjoyed “Deadends and Dust” and “Bloody Mary Morning”. They also busted out a few obscure songs like “Mudhead”. If it wasn’t so politically incorrect “Pretty Fucked Up” could have been their hit single.
They didn’t have any new covers, I’ve seen them do “Bloody Mary Morning” before, I think I may have owned the Twisted Willie CD before I owned any or at least many Supersuckers CDs.
Back to the same old, same old.