Sustainability 2.0: The Evolution of Green
February 12th, 2009
I’ve once again been drafted to help organize and promote an event. It seems to be a skill I’ve been calling on more and more. So much so I even put it on my resume and LinkedIn profile. Sustainability 2.0 is a local business expo to help area businesses to become more sustainable. Attendance is free and open to all.
There is some competition for the keywords “Sustainability 2.0” but hopefully by the time April rolls around the event will be on the front page of Google results. I plan on calling in a few more well known bloggers and social networking divas to help in this regard.
Here is the official blurb:
Sustainability 2.0: The Evolution of Green
Thursday, April 2, 2009 from 3pm-7pm
Chapel Arts, 304 Dunlevy Avenue, Vancouver BC
Building on the success of Sustainability 1.0: the Upside of Greening your Business, the Strathcona BIA is proud to present Sustainability 2.0 – the Evolution of Green. Come and learn how businesses are taking the next step beyond reducing, reusing and recycling. Discover how you can further your sustainability goals and continue to profit by collaborating together with other businesses. Listen first hand to innovative speakers and become a part of a progressive sustainable business community, the Strathcona green zone.Registration is free, sign-up today:
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