Khorne Bezerker and Guardsman
April 8th, 2010
I finished painting two more models. Then I took some pictures to show off the blood and gore, Lonewolf style. Plus I put some dirt on the pants and boots of the Imperial Guardsmen. I need to work on my weathering more, but it is a start. I’ll seal them and be done with it.
Today is a nice day in Vancouver, but I have a movie to watch that I rented yesterday. After that I plan to return it, walk up to Darren’s store and order one of the new Blood Angel special characters, he’s becoming a Khorne Raptor champion sometime after Astronomi-Con Vancouver.
I will start my terrain project today, plus keep looking for work. In the mean time I updated one of the many cool webpages I’ve put up over the years featuring models from the Diseased Sons. Check it out if you’re interested in the history of Nurgle in 40K.

Miniature Painting in 2022
Several years have passed since I wrote this blog post. I actually started a dedicated miniature painting blog, but then my hobbies were sacrificed on the alter of the CFA® Program. Now we are still in a world wide pandemic and painting miniatures is looking like a hobby I should spend more time on if my back and eyes can handle it. If you have thoughts on miniature painting techniques you can leave them below.
This entry was originaly posted on , it was last edited on and is filed under: DIY, Hobbies, & Interests and tagged: Imperial Guard, Khorne, Miniature Painting.
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