Asian Chicks Dig Bob Log
June 16th, 2010
Next time you see one walking down the street, stride up to her, raise your right fist in the air, and yell “Bob Log!” It is bound to work eventually, law of averages and all. For further proof see YouTube:
Everything you ever heard about Bob Log is true, except the part where he had a monkey’s paw grafted onto his right arm. Fat Possum Records made that up.
Bob was back in Vancouver, at the Biltmore. I went alone. Almost missed the show as I got the date wrong. It was alright, I thought Bob was better last time. I had more trouble hearing his vocals, perhaps because I was off to the side. He had some new songs, and more importantly some new jokes. There were a few crazies right dead in front, rowdier than I’ve seen it at the Biltmore, they kept getting on stage. They went nuts to the high speed drum machine beats, you’d think they’d never heard a drum machine before.
Anticipation was high for two songs, “Boob Scotch” and “I want your shit on my leg” neither worked out as well as last time. After those two songs were completed it calmed down some. Security stayed on stage, but there really weren’t that many people at the concert. Bob played a lot of songs, entered and exited through the audience. He even dressed up for his entrance, but then had trouble removing his pants, but he got some help from a “nice lady”.

The openers were the Beladeans. They had two horns in the band and no bass. One of the horns was played by a lady, she had tattoos if that matters. Their songs were short without too many lyrics. The lead singer’s wife gave me a pin.
I picked up a red XL Bob Log the Third t-shirt, but the other designs I liked a bit more, but I need an XL. I enjoyed most of the show, though my seat proved near useless as everyone crowded around to the sides, due to the rowdies. Next time I’m at the Biltmore and really want to see someone I’ll have to camp out on a black box.
Bob played with a pick and without his slide sometimes. He had his slide on his ring finger. He had to tune up quite a bit. He mainly used two fingers to fret, but his fingers are pretty long. He also has the slide, but most of his magic comes from his right hand. He flicks, picks, plucks, strums, and otherwise whizzes through songs. You could probably learn to finger some of his licks, but keeping up the tempo and getting his rhythm right would be tough. It was too bad I didn’t get a better view, maybe next time. That was my last concert for a while, I need a job.
If you you wish to wax nostalgic about past Bob Log III shows you can leave a comment below.
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