Barney Stinson’s Video Resume
October 8th, 2012
When you’re unemployed you have a lot of time on your hands. Sometimes you end up watching TV shows you never knew existed when you had a job and didn’t have time for cable television. The other day I was watching “How I met your mother” and one character was a Canadian looking for a job, if she didn’t find a job she would be deported. I’m not in danger of being deported but I’ve been unemployed way too long. Barney Stinson’s solution is to make her a video resume similar to the one he made for himself:
Barney Stinson FULL RESUME by Losemyself
She eventually gets disgusted with Barney’s methods. Barney, however finished the resume sent it off to employers and got her a job. The moral of the story, style and outrageousness trumps substance and actual qualifications.
Improving your Resume
I’ve never made a video resume, video editing isn’t one of my strengths. I have read a lot of expert advice on finding a job. I’ve tried to follow these “experts”. For instance, I converted my resume to a single page and I have to say I’ve gotten less interviews. In today’s world of databases and keyword searches cutting your resume in half is probably a disadvantage.
Blogging your way to a better career
It is now 2019, “How I met your mother” wrapped up, but my career has not taken off. I am living proof self proclaimed experts are not always right. I have not been able to blog my way to a better career. None-the-less I have committed to improving the Quality of this blog including editing every single old blog post to try and improve the focus and search engine optimization. It is probably futile, especially as five years later I seem to be editing the same old blog posts. If you have any expert advice on finding a job you can leave it below.
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