Muschamp Rd


Chinese House Guests + Tofino Trip

Wednesday, April 12th, 2006

My mother invited my former MBA classmate Danna Zhu to our house in Deep Bay for a couple of days. She hinted she wanted to bring someone so I asked if that was alright. My mother consented and in an instant we had an entire car full of female Chinese MBA students…

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The Great Wall at Badaling

Friday, February 17th, 2006

So I climbed the Great Wall or at least part of it. I thought it would be an all day thing but when we got to the wall we were allowed just over two hours…

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Definitely ate Turtle

Wednesday, February 15th, 2006

Before, at the Chinese New Year’s Dinner I went to I was served turtle. It was on the table but no one seemed keen to eat it…

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Yellow Mountain Kicked Ass

Tuesday, February 14th, 2006

So sayeth the SMS I sent to Danna. I guess it was worth the 40 hours I spent sick on a train to climb. I hiked snow and ice covered stone steps for hours to take these photos. It was definitely dangerous…

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I like Big Bells

Saturday, February 11th, 2006

Sounds a little bit lurid to me, like it is some kind of reference to female anatomy. I’ve never heard it used like that but maybe I can start a trend…

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