Muschamp Rd


2 Days Until the Olympics

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

I had some troubles getting their network to work, but I’m at the now world famous Irish Heather on Carrall Street updating my blog. The big news is probably still the protests, the social media, and the lack of snow at least inside the city…

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7 Days until the Vancouver Olympics

Friday, February 5th, 2010

If today’s commute on the number 3 Main Street bus was any indication, it would be quicker for me to walk to work during the Olympics…

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8 Days until Vancouver Olympics

Thursday, February 4th, 2010

I’m at Smart Mouth again with my promised update. I promised some people I’d take photos and I’ve taken a few with my iPhone, but there are many better photographers, with better cameras, and more time taking pictures in Vancouver. A lot of those photos end up on Flickr…

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Nine Days until the Olympics

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010

Everyone is going to write about the Olympics, so why not me?

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Failed the CFA® Level 1 exam again

Wednesday, January 27th, 2010

I’ll have to look at my previous results, but I knew why I would fail, too many questions about European VS American accounting standards. I actually managed to get over 70% in many categories including Corporate Finance…

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