Muschamp Rd


I first went online when I was a Computer Science major at the University of Victoria. That’s also when I put up my first homepage. Since 1995 I’ve been spending too much time online.

Some of my time online was necessary for my work or studies. I’ve written a lot of HTML, CSS, SQL, JavaScript, PHP, Objective-C, Java, even Python. But not everything I do with technology is professional. Obviously, I’ve done online gaming, blogging, and used social media.

I also have an interested in consumer electronics and even vintage technology so if you do too, you should peruse this archive of blog posts below or you can send me a question using email or social media.

Almost finished updating my taxonomy when…

Sunday, May 26th, 2024

The performance of my current website and webhost became so poor I filed a support request and upgraded everything I could even adding the W3 Total Cache plugin…

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Redoing my blog taxonomy again

Sunday, April 21st, 2024

Around the time of my trip to Scotland I finally did another major WordPress upgrade, I also upgraded Google Analytics, and having seen an increase in usage of my default category and basically no further interest to blog about some topics, I think it is time to redo my taxonomy once more…

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Unsuccessful Home Office Upgrade

Wednesday, October 11th, 2023

Well Internet, I seem to be slipping. Not only have I not got around to upgrading this WordPress blog, let alone fixing all the busted PHP that I now regret writing, my attempts to upgrade my home office further…

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Apple M2 Pro MacBook Pro, Oh So Pro

Saturday, February 25th, 2023

It wasn’t that long ago I was forced to buy a new laptop, it didn’t go smoothly. I tried to keep the cost under $2000 but ended up failing because I needed a larger hard drive. If I could have held off a few months more I would have gotten a better computer in all likelihood, maybe even a MacBook Pro…

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Finally Got Apple Music

Sunday, August 29th, 2021

I actually got Apple One if we are splitting hairs. I’m not sure how many of the TV shows I’ll watch but I did get talked into getting cable TV by Telus during the coronavirus and watched a surprising amount of TV including a couple of Apple TV exclusives, so when my free Apple TV+ was expiring I decided to go all in…

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