Muschamp Rd


Google Algorithm Update

Thursday, January 12th, 2012

Apparently yesterday while I was at a job interview or on the ferry or otherwise not online, Google made a major change to their search engine algorithm…

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iTunes Match Disappoints So Far

Wednesday, December 28th, 2011

I’ve been waiting for iTunes Match since before the project had a name.  Then I had to wait even longer because I’m Canadian. iTunes Match combined with iCloud was supposed to allow you to store your entire music collection online so you could access it anywhere…

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Niche Social Networks

Sunday, December 18th, 2011

Recently Gowalla was bought by Facebook. I immediately said the user accounts would be merged, users would be forced to transfer to Facebook and Gowalla would be shut down. Turns out I was partially correct. Some people on Twitter were happy for the founders of Gowalla as they made some money selling out to Facebook but their users weren’t happy. This is a danger users face when considering investing time and effort into niche networks and platforms online…

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Blogging, Vancouver, and Google Oh My!

Thursday, November 3rd, 2011

I’ve been at the blogging game since 2005.  I’ve made over one thousand posts though not all at this domain which is a bit chaotic. I’ve started niche blogs and have done some guest blogging But none of this has resulted in world wide fame, it hasn’t helped my career, in fact many people claim the opposite that my honesty online has hurt my career. This post isn’t about all that, I’m finished writing about that period of my life and the people who made me miserable…

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Upgraded to iOS 5 and iTunes 10.5

Thursday, October 13th, 2011

It took several attempts and for a while I didn’t think it was ever going to work, but I now have iOS 5 on my iPhone 3GS and am using iTunes 10.5 and iCloud. I’m a bit disappointed. You need Mac OS X Lion to use iCloud currently…

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