Muschamp Rd


Jazzing up my blog

Wednesday, August 4th, 2010

So I’ve been thinking of upgrading to WordPress 3.something now that the initial 3.0 release has had bug fixes. A wise sysop waits until the point something release after a major revision…

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M-Audio Transit Blues

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

So I listen to and own a lot of music. I’m also a Mac user and have steadily upgraded my old Sawtooth G4 over the years, last year I put probably 1000 dollars into it. It has a new CPU, more RAM, a new big fast hard drive, the control card for that drive, an extra USB PCI card that adds USB 2.0 and an M-Audio Transit…

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Alternative Search Engines

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010

I used to write a lot about search engines. It used to be more interesting. Now it is Google and everyone else in the English Internet at least. Korea, China, and likely a lot of emerging countries have more interesting algorithmic battles, but from my website I probably get 70% of my referrals from Google and that is probably par for the course…

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140 Characters to Rule Them All!

Wednesday, May 19th, 2010

The Globe and Mail  Careers section advises Tweeting! I’m still trying to blog my way to a better career, now I’m supposed to tweet to my army of fanatical followers about needing a job. Color me skeptical…

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New Mac

Sunday, January 31st, 2010

I wanted a new Mac, but I didn’t really have the money, so I upgraded my old laptop’s hard drive. Then on Wednesday this week, just after being admired for it’s size or lackof, the 12″ PowerBook up and died. I took it to Simply Computing and sure enough it needed a new logic board…

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