Muschamp Rd


8 Years of Google Analytics

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

I’ve used Google Analytics for a long time. I first installed it on in November of 2005. I had installed Urchin during one of my co-op work terms while at Shell Canada. One day I got the bright idea to look at all the traffic Google has recorded…

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Redid Homepage

Sunday, September 22nd, 2013

Back in the day, ie the 90s when you redid your homepage it was a big deal. Now everyone and their dog is online and people don’t even need to know HTML to have a “home page”. I’ve been maintaining a homepage online since 1995…

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My Popular Posts

Sunday, September 22nd, 2013

This summer I spent too much time working on my website. I spent a lot of time revising my WordPress theme, appeasing the Googlebot, adding structured meta data, improving social network integration, revising text, deleting crap, and for what? I don’t even want to be popular. It seems popularity is equated with success, especially online. Popularity is not synonymous with Quality, and it certainly isn’t synonymous with Success…

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This post has no featured image

Sunday, September 8th, 2013

In fact it can’t have any images at all. I’m still not satisfied with how thumbnails are being added to my RSS 2.0 feed, in my opinion it isn’t perfect because SimplePie can’t find them when it looks in enclosure->thumbnails…

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Thumbnails in RSS feeds proves non-trivial in WordPress

Saturday, September 7th, 2013

I knew exactly what I wanted. I wanted thumbnails with a proper enclosure in my RSS 2.0 feeds. Other blogs have this, why doesn’t mine? I enabled featured images in my theme, I got them to appear on my blog’s homepage, in the archives, even in the posts themselves if I wanted. I followed tutorials, I installed plugins, I consulted support forums. Still no thumbnails in my RSS feeds…

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