Muschamp Rd


the_excerpt() VS the_content()

Sunday, August 25th, 2013

Although I’ve maintained a WordPress blog since 2005, I’ve only ever had the one theme. I made the theme myself back in the summer of 2005. I think a tutorial from Urban Giraffe may have provided the basis for my theme. I made sure my theme and entire blog fit within the already establish look, feel, and navigation of and I’ve dutifully updated the theme, every time a WordPress upgrade has forced me. I’ve also added many minor changes, but a look in the Wayback machine shows how little has changed until just the last few days…

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Google Analytics E-Commerce Dashboard

Sunday, August 18th, 2013

Although you should definitely take advantage of Google Analytic’s five custom variables and custom reports, there is something to be said for a standardized high level dashboard. I kept refining one, taking bits from here and ideas from there. Now I think I got all the data that will fit above the fold and decided it was ready to share with the world…

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Improving your WordPress Blog & Theme

Wednesday, August 7th, 2013

Now that the great taxonomy redo of 2013 is mostly complete, I can get around to making all the other improvements and changes I’ve been considering to my blog…

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I finally found a use for Google+

Saturday, June 29th, 2013

After I and others found a use for Google+, Google took away authorship and then they took away Google+. I only have so much time for online social networks, the one I use the most because it works well on my iPhone is Twitter. I hardly used Google+ because it is just too much of a Johnny come lately social network with no killer feature…

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Google Analytics + Multiple Domains + iFrames FTW

Sunday, June 23rd, 2013

I’ve spent a lot of time reading Google Analytics documentation both official and unofficial this week, so much so that I joked I should put “ninja” or “guru” on my resume as that is so much more professional than my middle name…

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