Multi-Media Entertainment China 2005
November 4th, 2005
So I just coughed up the RMB for a full conference pass to this event. Through my 关系 I was able to get a discount. It also appears I’ve been tasked with promoting the event at Tsinghua. Jacy, one of the organizers from the Beijing Multimedia Industry Association, gave me a couple brochures and a huge stack of free passes to the exhibition/trade show. I already spammed the Tsinghua MBA mailing lists and now I’m using my blog to shamelessly promote their event.
Seriously there will be a lot of big names in industries such as: film and television production, video game development, and internet/new media from both China and abroad. Fourteen countries are sending delegations including Canada of course. Some big name companies that will definitely be in attendence include Pixar, Disney, and Electronic Arts. I’ll try to carry a few free passes with me when I’m on campus and I plan to leave some with the MBA office, but if anyone out there in the blogosphere is interested, I can hook you up, to use a term Marlene liked to use.
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