No End to Sadness
September 6th, 2007
I received an email from the Sauder School of Business today, usually I just file them away because I didn’t have the best of times as an MBA student and I try to just stay away…
However this was more bad news, during the Core my favourite professor was Mike LeRoy. He reminded me way too much of my dad, he looked somewhat like my dad, heavyset, balding, bearded, smoked too much, good natured, funny, a natural story teller. It was sad to watch history repeat itself.
Another of the Core profs who I got along well with, who shook my hand when the Core was over and said “he would never forget me” was Dr. Paul Chwelos. I even was commissioned to build something for the prof roast just for Paul. I don’t think he’ll ever forget what it is like to be repeatedly randomly chosen.
Too much of life is random, bad timing, it is too short, and for too many, too painful. I tried to tell my classmates this. Some people still don’t believe me. I pointed to what happened to Mike and now Paul. I didn’t need more bad news. I didn’t need more sadness. I didn’t need another depressing entry in my blog, another reason to cry in public.
I won’t forget Paul Chwelos.
Official Anouncement
It is with deep sadness that I write to inform you of the death of Paul Chwelos, a faculty member in the Management Information Systems (MS) Division. Paul died on Sept. 6th in hospital as a result of an accident. Paul received his PhD from UBC, and returned here after taking his first faculty position at the University of California, Irvine. Paul was an award-winning teacher and terrific colleague and friend to many at Sauder. He will be deeply missed here at Sauder by all who knew him and by many former students and colleagues across the country and around the world.
Paul grew up on Vancouver Island and a Memorial service is planned by his family for this Friday at 3:30pm at St Peter’s Anglican Church, Duncan BC (5800 Church St). All are welcome.
The Sauder community and other friends of Paul Chwelos will meet to remember Paul, celebrate his life, and share our loss on:
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
6:00 p.m.
First Nations Longhouse
University of British Columbia
1985 West Mall
Vancouver, BC
Reception to followIn lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Paul Chwelos Memorial Scholarship Fund (about which more details will follow).
It so happens I’m going to Vancouver Island tomorrow. Duncan is where I grew up. It goes without saying that I wish things could be different, I wish things could be better. I’ve gone to too many funerals in my life already.
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