Muschamp Rd



Friday, September 29th, 2006

Barbecue season is coming to an end. It is currently windy and rainy here in Deep Bay. Yesterday however, the weather was well enough to cook a pork roast like I’ve been planing…

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So my mom bought a car today

Friday, August 25th, 2006

After talking about it for a long while, today my mom and I finally went to a car dealership that was open to try and test drive a new car…

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BarBQ Ribs

Sunday, August 13th, 2006

I’ve done a lot of BarBQ’ing in my time. Just the other day I had to cook forty five hamburgers for a party my mom threw. When you start cooking more meat than you can fit on a grill at one time it ceases to be a hobby and becomes a job…

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Citizen Marketing

Saturday, August 12th, 2006

Citizen Marketing is developing and nurturing a community of users around a product. This is now better known as influencer marketing or social media marketing…

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Blogging & Stuff

Thursday, August 3rd, 2006

Although not the most electrifyingly original posting title, I’m running with it. I’ve written before how people actually read the crap I write, no matter how trivial or dubious, especially the dubious…

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