Muschamp Rd

Posts about iTunes

Finally Got Apple Music

Sunday, August 29th, 2021

I actually got Apple One if we are splitting hairs. I’m not sure how many of the TV shows I’ll watch but I did get talked into getting cable TV by Telus during the coronavirus and watched a surprising amount of TV including a couple of Apple TV exclusives, so when my free Apple TV+ was expiring I decided to go all in…

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iTunes: An unknown error occurred (-9836)

Sunday, November 3rd, 2019

After finally getting the World’s First Personal Supercomputer out of storage and spending more time and money on an almost 20 year old computer Apple changed iTunes Match and now my G4 no longer gets updates to my custom playlists…

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1000 Plays

Thursday, July 14th, 2016

I used to listen to a lot of music. Before there was iTunes or or even CDs I used to listen to cassette tapes, the radio, even actual records…

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My Favourite Albums

Thursday, March 7th, 2013

I keep trying to improve my various web mashups as APIs change and I pick up a new trick or two. Alas in 2019 I think many of the APIs I was using have become much more restrictive. One idea I had was to decrease the number of albums from every CD I own to say one hundred. I thought this would make the code run better as a lot of effort is spent trying to find information about obscure albums. Even my top 100 albums includes some unusual choices…

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Finding audio previews for album tracks in iTunes with PHP

Sunday, March 3rd, 2013

My mashup codebase has not been updated in years but even without that APIs change their policies and the technique documented below probably no longer works. Sorry if you were counting on this code to solve all your problems, you may have to hire a developer to fix this or try another API…

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