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Posts about SEO

My Top 10 SEO Tips

Thursday, April 28th, 2011

After I write a long rambling post, I generally go to bed and think, no one is going to read all that crap. So I write another companion piece which is in a style more agreeable to the attention span of the average Internet user. So here are 10 short, simple, and maybe even useful search engine optimization tips…

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SEO is not a 4 letter word

Thursday, April 28th, 2011

SEO is apparently not dead, but maintaining old websites is a lost art…

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Alternative Search Engines

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010

I used to write a lot about search engines. It used to be more interesting. Now it is Google and everyone else in the English Internet at least. Korea, China, and likely a lot of emerging countries have more interesting algorithmic battles, but from my website I probably get 70% of my referrals from Google and that is probably par for the course…

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Tagging Fool

Friday, April 24th, 2009

As part of upgrading my blog and as well as setting up a new blog on I’ve learned a lot about tags. Previously I was still using a pre-tags version of WordPress. Muskblog has been online for several years, for longer, and I’ve had a homepage online since 1996, so I’ve got content. A lot of it is hand rolled and outside of any CMS system. I used to be something of an HTML and CSS guru, even Eric Meyer thought I knew a thing or two…

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The Importance of Comments

Wednesday, December 6th, 2006

So while procrastinating, I checked out one more RSS feed, and I notice my name. Curious I head over to Thrasher’s Wheat to take a look. Apparently a comment I left has been elevated to full post status. I must have written it during one of my more lucid moments. So many of my thoughts are unproductive…

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