Muschamp Rd

Posts about Shanghai

UFC Shanghai

Thursday, December 21st, 2017

I’ve been a UFC fan since I watched the very first tournament on VHS which I rented from Superior Video in Duncan British Columbia. So it is a surprise it has taken me this long to finally see some live fights…

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Shanghai Comic Con 2017

Monday, October 9th, 2017

This is actually the third Shanghai Comic Convention, coworkers went to the first two but they never invited me and I of course had to work and study for my CFA exam…

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Shanghai Craft Beer Festival

Monday, July 24th, 2017

The stars finally aligned allowing me to go to one of China’s craft beer festivals. I’ve lived in Shanghai for over two years and I’ve definitely been trying the local beers…

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Shanghai Disneyland Initial Visit

Monday, April 17th, 2017

Ever since I moved to Shanghai I’ve been anticipating playing tour guide at this place, it’s been open a while, but despite numerous threats, no one has visited me, who I had to take here. Then I was randomly selected to go with folks from work. It was far from well organized, but I stood in line for hours and took a few pictures. I’ll probably be back…

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Boxing Cat Brewery Tour

Monday, February 15th, 2016

Ten years ago when I lived in Beijing there were not a lot of craft beer options in China, now there are some especially in the bigger cities. Shanghai being among the biggest cities and the most popular with foreigners has the most beer drinking options for those who want a little more than Tsingtao or Heineken…

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