Muschamp Rd

Personal Improvement

The Largest Employers in Vancouver

Thursday, May 6th, 2010

As part of my job search, I decided to take a different approach, as nowadays you have to be more proactive. Vancouver has a lot of small and medium sized companies but not a lot of Fortune 500 headquarters. I collected the following information on the largest employers in Vancouver British Columbia…

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Blog your way to a better career (no really)

Tuesday, March 17th, 2009

Guy Kawasaki’s guest blogger didn’t go quite so far, but some are saying that a blog is the new resume, Resume 2.0 if you will…

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CFA® Level I Candidate

Saturday, March 3rd, 2007

Seeing as how my MBA was such an amazing success and having discussed it during several interviews and having recently been given a surprise online quiz basically about my status as a candidate even though it was not a requirement for the job if you had an MBA, I’ve decided to officially enroll. I’m now a CFA Level I Candidate…

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Venture Capital Calculations

Thursday, November 9th, 2006

With all my recent readings on Excel I figured I should make something that didn’t have anything to do with my hockey pool. So I decided to make an easy to use spreadsheet for valuing a company, determining how large of investment results in what percentage of ownership, shares to issue, share price, etc….

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