Muschamp Rd

Posts about Social Media

Me & My Digital Music Collection

Monday, September 6th, 2010

I downloaded the latest greatest version of MacOS and iTunes and started fooling around with Ping and I agree with the consensus, does more…

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140 Characters to Rule Them All!

Wednesday, May 19th, 2010

The Globe and Mail  Careers section advises Tweeting! I’m still trying to blog my way to a better career, now I’m supposed to tweet to my army of fanatical followers about needing a job. Color me skeptical…

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Looking for a job online

Monday, April 26th, 2010

Although I’m no expert, I do have a lot of experience looking for a job online. Too often I’ve found myself unemployed. So I assembled the best job search advice I could find. I also wrote some Vancouver specific advice after I was contacted through the blogosphere. I’ve definitely invested way too much time into this blog and can not recommend blogging your way to a better career, so not all ‘expert’ advice works for everyone. You will need to experiment to see what works for you…

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Yadda, yadda, yadda, Olympics

Monday, February 22nd, 2010

I thought of that title a few of days ago and saved it for a future post. Today wasn’t a particularly eventful day Olympic wise…

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MyBlogLog Weirdness

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009

The other day, I got a notice that I joined some blogs fan community on MyBlogLog. Long time readers may remember I had some questions about this app/service and privacy. The blog in question is not one I’m particularly proud to admit I read occasionally, certainly not a blog I read everyday, week, or am subscribed to the RSS feed for. Apparently MyBlogLog now ads me to the community if I visit that blog a couple times…

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