Muschamp Rd

Seasonal Popularity

October 31st, 2006
Vampire Makeup

Due to the arrival of a certain holiday, one page of my website has become very popular of late. The page itself deals with one of my trips to Tokyo.

I wrote the account in question back when my life was somewhat better though still not great and it is somewhat humorous. But that is not why it is suddenly popular. It links to a photo I put online of me wearing some makeup. I did the makeup myself with my fingers and I did a pretty good job all things considered. Everything I know about makeup I learned from painting miniatures.

Despite vowing never to wear full facial paint again, I did it the year after but only for a few hours not an entire work day like I did while in Japan. The reason I put on the makeup again was I couldn’t think of a better costume for our Sauder MBA Halloween party. That webpage hasn’t proven as popular with websurfers.

My dress code friendly Halloweeen costume in Japan

Me dressed as the Riddler with Dave Kelsey

Also while at Sauder an email went out from my classmate Julia Zhu asking for photos of classmates dressed up for Halloween. As I always went out of my way to help my classmates I sent Julia several pictures of myself dressed up on Halloween. It used to be my favourite holiday.

I was surprised when these photos ended up on posters all over the Henry Angus building. It also appears almost no one else bothered to send her any photos. The photos I sent her used to be online when my website was hosted by UVIC. They weren’t taken with a digital camera and were scanned by me at some point in time. Since people seem to be looking for Halloween imagery.

The first one is of me and Dave Kelsey clowning around in our dorm. I’m dressed as the Riddler from one of the Batman movies. My aunt actually made this costume for me. I actually wore contacts in some of these costumes and died my hair red using Cool Aid.

Heidi and I dressed up on Halloween

I wore it more than once though it was always a little tight, especially in the crotch. I wore it to work while I was living in Yellowknife and I took it with me to Edmonton when I went to visit some family and attend a Neil Young concert. I also hung out with Heidi Staats who is dressed as a Smurf.

Gold Musk

After I went away on one of my many workterms I came back and all my friends were suddenly into pro wrestling. So an order was given by Dave Kelsey again that everyone had to dress as wrestlers. At first people were insisting I go as Mankind then I had to become Golddust or as I dubbed myself Gold Musk. This was also the year of my less than successful Halloween party.

Me and my sister on Halloween

Finally is a costume I have reused more than once, including for one of our MBA hashes when I misinterpreted an email. That was a painful night and I’m not just talking about trying to run in Fluvogs… I dressed as a pimp one Halloween and went to some party in cluster housing with my sister, she is some kind of space person. I think she and several friends all dressed the same.

Seasonal popularity or cyclic demand is something we studied while I was an MBA student. Not only does it affect retail sales it also affects search engine referrals, Google’s Zeitgeist has shown that and now it has affected my own little website.

It appears SEOBlackhat made a posting similar to mine. So I decided to tack on another paragraph and give him a trackback, help him out on his search engine ranking domination. He suggests planning an American Thanksgiving post. I already get referrals for “Chinese Thanksgiving” on a regular basis due to this static page and this blog posting.

Now this might be called cosplay something I’d do more of if my life was better, but once more I am looking for work but some have made a career out of wearing makeup and costumes. You can definitely temporarily increase the popularity of your blog with a timely or better still a timeless blog posting. If you have any other SEO tips you can leave them below.


  • Muskie says:

    It is that time of year again. People find my photo and want advice on painting their face. I did it with my fingers in a crappy little bathroom. You can buy better paint, at least in Vancouver. Maybe I’ll use real paint one year…

    This year I have no idea what I’m doing. Last year I reused my monk costume.

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