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Stop spamming #quotation

Friday, January 25th, 2013

Some people like quotations. Some people collect quotations. Some people use the hashtag “quotation” to share quotations on social networks like Twitter. Some other people use #quotation to spam Twitter with ads for knickknacks…

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Expert Job Search Advice

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013

During my lengthy job search I’ve written and collected a lot of blog postings. Despite experts continuing to insist, you can blog your way to a new job, I’m not convinced that will work for everyone. So I’ve collected together in one place the best advice and resources both on my website and elsewhere…

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Blog your way to a better career (they really, really mean it)

Sunday, January 20th, 2013

Self proclaimed experts continue to insist that jobseekers should blog. I’ve written well over 1000 blog posts and I have to say the more I blogged, the worse my so called career has gone. Other people may have benefited from blogging, but it isn’t advantageous nor necessary for everyone to blog…

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Study Advice for the Level 1 CFA® exam

Saturday, December 1st, 2012

Today is actually exam day, but not for me, I actually managed to pass last time. I’ve already given tips and made study materials available but I decided to take a fresh look at the material and see if I can’t provide some more useful advice now that it is too late. I may just know what I’m talking about seeing as how I passed all three CFA exams…

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My Top 10 CFA® Level 1 Tips

Saturday, November 24th, 2012

Another CFA® Level 1 exam is approaching. I’m not sitting this exam, but I have spent more time studying for the CFA Level 1 exam than most anyone else you care to champion. I eventually passed all three exams…

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