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Posts about Spam

Was my Pinterest account hacked?

Wednesday, September 25th, 2013

This morning while I lay sleeping, someone got the bright idea to post something as me on Twitter. If this wasn’t bad enough it turns out they posted as me on Pinterest and on Facebook too. They were selling something called “garcinia cambogia”. Apparently Pinterest is seeing a rise in hacked accounts, they of course blame me and my password. Clearly the spammers and scammers have Pinterest in their sights…

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Stop spamming #quotation

Friday, January 25th, 2013

Some people like quotations. Some people collect quotations. Some people use the hashtag “quotation” to share quotations on social networks like Twitter. Some other people use #quotation to spam Twitter with ads for knickknacks…

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$4,000,000.00 Spam

Thursday, October 11th, 2012

I’ve spent a lot of time fighting spam, first in my mailbox using programs/tools such as: MailSmith, SpamAssassin, SpamSieve, even SpamCop but also on this blog with a variety of WordPress plugins. I used to get 100s of spam emails a day at but after something my webhost presumably did I get noticeably less and very few make it to my inbox, one simply titled “Hello” recently did…

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Who actually buys stuff from “Pharmacy Express” and “Healthcare Online”?

Tuesday, June 14th, 2011

I’ve gotten over 10,000 spam messages recently. I don’t know in exactly how many days, but few. The vast, vast, vast majority are the same basic messages sent 1000’s of times with simple subjects…

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Russian Spammers

Sunday, June 17th, 2007

My blog isn’t that popular especially now in 2024. But this post still gets keyword referrals from Google. I don’t know if I pissed off the wrong Russian spammer or if they just set their bots and tools after every WordPress blog they can find…

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