Muschamp Rd


Huuna and I

Wednesday, May 31st, 2006

Well after walking to Bowser and back on Monday and our escapades with the abandoned half Pitbull, today Huuna and I set out on foot for my Nan’s house…

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Excitement in Deep Bay

Tuesday, May 30th, 2006

So today on one of my many walks with Huuna I’m informed there is a dog on the loose on the spit. The story goes that someone drove to the spit let their dog out of the car then just drove off…

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Cheating on the rise in Asia

Monday, May 29th, 2006

I’ve now twice read of how “academic dishonesty” is becoming a major problem in China, but these newspaper articles aren’t about students cheating, though that is definitely going on. In today’s Globe and Mail there is another article on researchers falsifying research or engaging in excessive plagiarism…

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100 Greatest (Living) Songwriters

Monday, May 29th, 2006

Apparently Paste Magazine, which I have never heard of, took it upon themselves to come up with a top 100 list…

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The man whose arms exploded

Sunday, May 28th, 2006

That is a title of a TLC documentary I stumbled across sometime after the Buffalo Sabers lost game 5 of the Eastern Conference Finals. It is about Greg Valentino who unbelievably managed to get his biceps to be larger than his waist…

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