Muschamp Rd


How’s this for a Chun Li costume?

Monday, June 4th, 2012

While I was trying to study, someone on Facebook posted a picture of what I thought was their friend dress as Chun Li from the video game Street Fighter 2. Turns out it was Yaya Han…

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The Legendary Blind Joe Death

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012

Blind Joe Death was the name John Fahey recorded his earliest recordings under. Nowadays many musicians use pseudonyms, but in 1959 pretending you were something or someone else while self releasing an album was near unheard of…

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Urban farming becoming more main stream

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012

Once again SOLEfood was in the Vancouver Sun as they announced they were building a new larger urban farm in a much more visible location than Hastings and Hawkes…

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Awareness VS Revenge: An Illustrative Example

Monday, May 7th, 2012

As someone who has put up with a lot over the last few years and believes in generally treating people decently online and offline, I have to advocate trying to keep a positive attitude and walking away from most confrontations. Bite your tongue, turn the other cheek, and walk away. Disassociate with anyone who turns nasty and spiteful in your life…

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It’s Mental Health Week

Sunday, May 6th, 2012

I learned long ago the dangers of electronic communication and just how debilitating mental illness can be. Depression isn’t something I talk about much these days…

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