Muschamp Rd

Posts about Apple

Mac OS X Lion costs more than you think

Wednesday, July 20th, 2011

I knew Lion was coming.  I follow people on Twitter.  They tweeted about starting to download.  I decided I would upgrade and then see whether my mom and sister should upgrade.  I’ve been using OS X since the public beta.  I have a lot of experience using computers, upgrading computers, developing software, etc. etc.  The upgrade itself went relatively smoothly, but when apps I use everyday and were in my dock had big no good symbols drawn through the icon, well I told my sister and mother not to upgrade…

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Open source VS Commercial software

Friday, July 1st, 2011

Twice now I’ve been asked in a job interview about the merits of open source VS commercial software, or how open source software can be used by corporations, or how startups can make money leveraging open source software? What are your assets if all your company does is contribute to and work with open source software? How do you assign a value to such a company?

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Who will win the Online Music wars?

Tuesday, June 28th, 2011

Online music is a fascinating space with a lot of creativity and competitors, there are many heavyweights but plenty of nimble startups as well. In the olden days, online music meant pirated music. I have too much respect for musicians to be a pirate. Of course I’m in the minority and musicians have had to rethink how they will earn an income. Record labels of course hated the Internet, but along came the iPod, Apple, and iTunes…

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Finally bought a Time Capsule

Friday, January 7th, 2011

Not the sexiest use of my Christmas and Birthday money I know. I could have bought an X-Box or a PS3 or a Blue-Ray player for less. I even splurged for the Best Buy extended warranty…

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G4 Power Mac Upgrades Continue

Monday, November 29th, 2010

As mentioned previously I got the impulse to buy a ‘new’ (old) video card. It was suppose to make my G4 tower run the newer Mac OS X faster. I’m not sure it mattered but I just completed this latest upgrade. It went super smooth. I even took a couple pictures…

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