More Actual Keyword Referrals
June 30th, 2007
I have to recommend not blogging about the strange keyword referrals you get. Luckily Google and other search engines largely keep this information to themselves. I actually deleted many of the blog posts where I collected strange keyword referrals. This one escaped numerous purges.
One reason not to blog about this is you get more strange keyword referrals. Another is you’ll be tempted to pander to the lowest common denominator. A third reason is you’re always blogging for your future boss. I’m once again looking for work and blogging so often and so honestly has not helped my career don’t listen to “experts”.
This post survived purges likely because of all the internal links. In 2019 I revamped my blog and put even more effort into leveraging older posts to direct readers and GoogleJuice towards more important and higher quality blog posts.
Keyword Referrals
conan obrien yearly income
This was the first one I noted down this month, it must be a result of a combination of more than one posting being summarized by WordPress on the same page, that and these collections, just leads to more odd keyword referrals.
how to paint paint death guard
Maybe it will piss off some people over at if they learn people actually come to my website to learn how to paint.
sex video in monastery
This has to be one of the strangest keyword referrals I’ve gotten yet. For the record there are no videos of people having sex on, certainly not in a monastery.
nightclub girl with big calves
Women with big calves must be everywhere nowadays. I think it is the increased participation in sports and the changes in diet, more meat, more additives, more chemicals, people are taller nowadays and Muskblog has proven their calves are bigger too. In the 1800s, muscular calves were in for men, they wore special pants to show them off. Maybe it was the 1700s, anyway, in the past.
Werner Herzog on Stanley Kubrick
I’m actually proud of this one, it is definitely a result of me making one of my film study papers available online for people to steal.
No I don’t have syphilis. No I’ve never blogged about syphilis. But I’m seeing an increase in one word referrals this combined with increased spammer activity leads me to believe in some small way my website is more popular now.
calf size breast size
I wish I could say it was my posting on Big Bells that got this keyword referral, but I doubt it. I don’t keep track of that information, maybe I should but that would require using Excel and would just make it more work.
tall, muscular girls with big tits
This is a very specific search term, and I can honestly say their are no tall, muscular girls with big tits in my life, nor can I ever recall there ever being any. I’m sure I would remember if there were, I have a pretty good memory. Right now I’d like to get to know better a wee Chinese lass who goes to my gym. Maybe that keyword phrase will be in next month’s referrals.
franz kafka, “people+walking+across+the+dark+bridges
This is another one I can take some pride in. It definitely refers to my collection of quotations.
do men like girls with muscular calves
Some men definitely do. They sure Google about it often enough. I personally believe in moderation rather than pure obsession with size, but I don’t mind more than a little muscle tone.
most important punches for street fighting
It appears some misguided people are looking for advice on actual street fighting techniques on my website, personally I stick to video games.
brazilian mma fighter vampire
This also has to be among the strangest keyword referrals in a while. I’m pretty sure vampires are not real, they certainly aren’t making a living as professional MMA fighters as biting is not allowed.
If one word referrals are the most difficult to achieve, how difficult is it to achieve a single letter referral? I know Q is a character on StarTrek but I’m pretty sure I haven’t written much on StarTrek. This is an odd one.
kresila muscles
Is a result of me writing for the nth time about muscular Asian women. Someone actually started an entire website devoted to that topic, and I ceded my crown to him, but perhaps Google has other plans.
montgomery burns there are three evils you must slay
This was a quotation I used in my MBA class souvenir DVD entry. I’ve never actually seen the souvenir DVD, I missed out on a lot of things during my MBA.
Turbonegro hoodie
One of my roommates really likes hoodies, so I told her people were always coming to my website looking for Turbonegro hoodies, here is proof.
Gary Lau MBA
Gary was one of my MBA classmates I was closest to. He was one of the Laus. He actually wrote about the last six months or so of his MBA on a blog. He then stopped blogging, he stopped doing a few other things too.
irene leung marlene lau
Two of my Sauder MBA Classmates whom I trusted. One repeatedly insisted she was my friend, the other, after the worst day of my life assured me she would do anything she could to help. I haven’t heard from either of them in over two years. I told them the truth, I still don’t understand why they deliberately chose to hurt me.
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