Muschamp Rd


Only took 7 hours to get the Windows machine to connect to WiFi

Thursday, March 9th, 2006

So we got back from my grandmother’s house my mom’s old windows machine. She has been using my old Mac for the last year or three. The PC is an IBM with a mighty K6-2 processor and runs Windows 98 SE. After doing some thinking, I decided it wasn’t even worth considering an upgrade. For the cost you could buy a better new PC or even smarter a new Mac Mini…

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Ignoring the New York Times

Friday, March 3rd, 2006

On, were a bunch of links one of which is to a New York Times article on blogging. More specifically it is about linking and blogging, something I’ve written about, oh months ago. Zeldman seemed to think the article was worth reading but it pissed me off…

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Muskblog is Smegged

Saturday, February 4th, 2006

My blog is still not functioning correctly, neither is Mint. I guess I’ll install the new official WordPress 2.0.1 release but I already installed the release candidate and it didn’t fix my problems…

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WordPress 2.0 still no workee for me

Sunday, January 29th, 2006

I’ve spent an ungodly amount of time in Lush today trying to upgrade my WordPress blog…

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MMEC 2005 Day Two

Tuesday, December 20th, 2005

Today was the final day of the conference. Once again I took notes on my PowerBook in Word and will turn that into a blog posting. Today I took less notes but will augment that with more of my own thoughts…

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